Things you Shouldknow before Buying Door Handles

Door Handles

· Door Handle

When it comes to the often overlooked realm of homeimprovement, door handles play an integral role in both functionality and aesthetics. A seemingly minor element, these premium door handles can significantly impact the overall appearance of a roomor space. To guide potential buyers through the process, this article delves into crucial factors to consider before making a decision.

premium door handles

Material Matters

One of the initial decisions when selecting a long door handle is the material.Buyers can choose from a range of options including stainless steel, brass, bronze, aluminum, and even crystal. Each material imparts a distinct visual appeal and has varying durability characteristics. Stainless steel exudes modernity, while brass carries a timeless elegance. Considering the room's decor and the level of foot traffic the handle will endure can help in
selecting an appropriate material.

Functionality First

Functionality should never be compromised for the sake ofaesthetics. The choice between a lever handle and a knob handle depends on practicality and ease of use. Lever handles are often more ergonomic and are preferred for places with higher foot traffic, like public buildings. Knob handles, on the other hand, exude a classic charm and can be ideal for spaces
where appearance holds a higher priority over frequent use.

Style Speaks

The design of premiumdoor handles should harmonize with the room's interior design. From sleekcontemporary handles to ornate vintage ones, the market offers a plethora of
styles to choose from. It's essential to align the chosen style with the room's existing elements, such as furniture, lighting fixtures, and door design. A harmonious blend ensures a cohesive aesthetic that doesn't feel disjointed.

Security Considerations

While the appearance of a door handle is crucial, securityshould not be overlooked. Investing in a high-quality, durable handle is a wise choice. Look for handles with robust locking mechanisms and tamper-resistant features. This is especially important for exterior doors where security is of utmost importance.


In the grand tapestry of interior design, longdoor handle is the intricate thread that ties the elements together.They bridge the gap between functionality and aesthetics. By considering factors such as material, style, functionality, compatibility, security, and budget, buyers can make an informed decision that enhances both the visual appeal and usability of their living spaces.